No moss growing under my feet today. It was a busy day. I had a very early wake up. I was really tired last night so it was an early to bed on Wednesday which might have helped with an early morning rise today.
I left for a morning of church decorating at 8:30 getting to church at nine. Most of the crew was coming at 10 and I wanted to have all things where they were needed ready for work. Heidi came at 9:30 and the rest arrived at 10.
Darren stopped in and gave us information about his sermons during Lent and so we really started working after that. We have some visuals that will support his sermons. That's a good thing.
So the grapevine crosses with purple thistles were hung on both sides of the sanctuary. We used driftwood crosses in the narthex along with the huge cedar trunk we pulled from Lake Superior more than a few years ago. It also is surrounded with driftwood crosses. The west entrance was hung with banners and crosses. Once again visuals are in many places to support the season of Lent.
We'll be moving to identify a day to work on Easter flower arrangements soon. With a little modification we'll added a mirrored cross to the center of the arrangement. We will need a total 12. Easter is very late this spring. The current plan is to keep these silk flowers in place till Pentecost. That's about 6 Sundays after Easter. Mirrored crosses are on the processional standards used every year on Easter Sunday.
I arrived home at 1:30 for lunch and then out the door again to Meijers looking for storage bins. Our attic room has received shelving and we're ready to do a little clean up and organizing in that space. I bought 5 tubs today and I think I can spare two of my own from my sewing room. Before I returned home I visited Ace Hardware to purchase a three-step ladder for the attic storage room.
I am so proud of these. We're bring order to a room that NEVER had it. Easy to find things when there is order.Our Christmas angels are hanging high and a ladder is a must. There will be no more chair hopping. The big hope is that the ladder will always be ready in that space when we need it. We ask for donations for the visual arts before Easter and the 100.00 I spent today should be covered with our visual arts money. There will be palms to buy along with flowers for the Easter altar.
Supper was wonderful bean/sausage soup again. Since it's Thursday and Andrew is at choir practice, Doug did the Eric pickup while I stayed home to do the blog and just veg out. I'm just about empty of energy. Sometimes that happens.
There will be more pictures. You guessed correctly. I forgot my phone again. But I remembered everything else!
PLEASE be careful. Don't climb! Falling is the #1 danger for people your (my) age. (All my famil phone calls these days are from fallen in-laws. . . we NEED YOU. . .