

                                                        March is busting out all over.

A great night of sleep.  Yes.  once in a while and I'll take it with a lot of thank you feelings.  I knew one would be delivered.  I just didn't know when.  And speaking of deliveries...Kisqali came for the month of April this afternoon.  Woo, woo.  It needs a shout out for sure.  

So, the morning saw a visit to Katelynn at I U North Uro something. I forget the name of the office.  I have a hole called a prolapse where there should not be a hole probably as the results of having delivered two wonderful boys some years ago. A lot of ladies get them eventually. It's causing a bit of a problem.  Not a big one but sort of one.  A pressary was inserted this morning which should allow me to go to the bathroom when I want to.  Easy fix I'm thinking.  \

The morning was beautiful so I decided to work on digging more ornamental grass out .  And once again that job is almost a job from hell.  At some point Doug decided to look for me since he could not find me in the house.  He grabbed a shovel as well and we finally created three clumps and cleared the hole.  Whoopee.  

Big clumps with lots of dirt.  I've assigned that cleaning job to the rain that is coming one of these days.

I think all the other grasses can just stay where they are and look beautiful.  In the process I broke my ladies shovel.  That's almost the end of the world for me.  I need a little shovel, not to heavy, not to big,  JUST RIGHT.  That was a big Boo Hoo! 

I did some raking up. The rake came through in good shape. There is a ton left to do and I think it's best to not push that job early in the season.  

There was another appointment, early afternoon with the PT Roe.  She's also a bladder lady who has given me an assignments to do, drink water.  That should get things tracking better. I do about 12 oz a day.  That's flunking the course. I learned cups of coffee don't count. That must change if I'm interested in keeping what I live in habitable.  

Doug brought the mail in and Jessica who works at the monastery sent me a thank you note.  So sweet!

                                                    She received one of the scarves.  

After the Roe meeting, I assigned myself the job of looking for a shovel.  My sister Mary K. got me started with a little shovel.  She loved it and I thank her over and over for her little shovel idea. When I broke the last shovel more than a couple of years ago, I checked every Ace Hardware near and far discovering that they all had the same shovels, and none were what I wanted.  I found my little helper at Sullivans Hardware.  So, I headed to the big Sullivans on Keystone.  NO little shovel but many big ones.  Humm...I needed one and I decided to hit the Sullivans at 49th and Pennsylvania.  Bingo. I am the proud owner of a new little ladies shovel.  It made my day.  I persisted with driving more miles than planned on.  But I persisted!!!!!

                        I have a great walking stick as a garden helper!  The broken handle shovel.                                             Isn't that new shovel pretty. Yes, I know...beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. 

I decided supper would be more wonderful sausage and ham bean soup.  I got the corn meal all ready for the oven.  It's a 30-minute heating job that would get us supper at five.  Then my brain said bummer because I wanted to go to the church to the pancake supper.  That happens every evening before Ash Wed. Yup.  Forgot at the last minute so we just ate at home. I missed a great party.  I could have fixed pancakes, but it just would not have been the same as church. 

        I must admit it was really good as the second bean meal of the week. Just as good as the first.

While waiting for supper to finish, I filled the bird feeders.  The B Birds got their gourmet dish of goodies. I "forgot"?  to fill the peanut holder for the Starlings.  And yes...I know they are all Gods children.  God has got to work on me. 

Yumm, yumm.  Meal worms with little balls of suet with extra protein added. I'll use this during nesting season for those little babies. That is if they stick around during the summer months.  We'll see what the sparrows do this summer.  They are not nice aunts and uncles for B Bird babies.  In fact, they kill them.  I pray...God, those sparrows need working on! 

So, another day of doing. An empty calendar for tomorrow.  I could call it a day of rest.  Humm.  I've been looking at the bathroom.  It could use some help. 


  1. The soup and the corn bread looked yummy. I am glad that the worms and suet were not your supper!


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