
The latest bird news.  The piliated was back again serenading us with his crazy song.  We haven't seen or heard him for some time.  I'm happy to see such a strange, crazy beautiful bird again.

 Pretty little white crocus beside a strawberry leaf.  Someone else seems to like flowers.  There are fewer to be seen each morning. 

A good start on the day after a pretty good night of sleeps.  A few wake ups with the last one at 7:30.  Woo, woo.  I'll take that any day. All the morning stuff finished, and I grabbed the rake and was out the door.  I stopped at the first bed and uncovered what needed uncovering namely Lambs Ears.  There is a huge bed, and the winter snow takes care of soaking and killing a lot of leaves.  But never the plants.  Underneath all those dead leaves I always find new growth.  And there it was again.  The days all this week should be warm and I'm sure they are enjoying the sun.  

Many clumps of Lenten Roses.  Some are this color and some are a light green with white.  They come in many flavors some single and some double.  They are unique in so many ways.  

I discovered not quite but almost all snapdragons made it through the winter with new growth coming at the base of the old stalk.  We'll see how that goes.  There was more raking with finding more things on the move.  I was one tired pup stopping for lunch.  

Then came the afternoon work.  

 We did lots of cutting.  The asparagus got their hair cut ready and will be the first veg. to come from the garden. It will be a while but eating asparagus just says spring.

I mentioned to Doug that this might be a good day to work on eliminating grasses and Joe Pye Weed.  So that happened after lunch.  My Christmas gift was a hedge trimmer, and I wasn't sure I could handle it.  But the outcome was a yes you can experience.  Doug did get a turn.  And that trimmer is a winner.  We certainly love our new toy.   Fall cutting cleanup will be so much easier. 

        And true to form, the three Blue sisters are waiting at the street once again for tomorrow's pickup. 

                                                Not far away is brother Gray ready for recycling.

Then there was the customary shower after a day of working in the garden and then a trip to my PT lady for another session.  I'm learning a lot about how this thing I'm living in works.  It's all about retraining the parts that don't work.   There was a stop on the way home at the Honda shop for some answers to the new car we're riding in.  Dah.  Easier to ask then find the answer in the thick book in the glove box. 

                       One more little spot with a whole lot of personality. There will be more soon. 

There was the last container of bean soup from the freezer for supper.  I'll miss that yummy dish.  Guess I'll need to make more.  The plan was to fill the crock pot with soup for the Wed. church meal.  It didn't happen.  So it's on the list for tomorrow.  Doug will need to hide the gardening tools.  I'm hoping for a long hot spring.  

And last but not least...another little garden friend that is always waiting for me.  The next thing on my list...Time to head to the chair.  It's been another of many great days ending with tired muscles that always comes my way around this time of year.  Still a very good day. 


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