
Showing posts from July, 2024


                                                              Just stunning. How can I keep from singing. True to the routine, I was up and doing what I usually do by walking the garden checking to see if there were any parties last night.  Nope, nothing new happened except plants never sleep so some were a little farther along in their journey and it showed.  I'm thinking day lilies for one. Remember Miss Calendula who went through a move yesterday.  Well, here she is, standing a little taller and ready to take her place.  She got another drink this morning.  Hydration is good for plants as well as people. That's one thing I remembered later in the morning.            None the worse for her move and ready to get on with it.  That's what a quiet night will gift plants.  I saw Peter out sniffing the grass.  My hope is that the red beets being a little older have turned him off.  All the attention to annual planting has taken time away from the perennial bed to the north of t


 Today started slow and steady.  The new zinnia plant this past weekend saw that everyone was in attendance.  I was bugged about two of the plants being in the wrong place and needing a switch to correct the problem.  Early in the season two zinnia plants emerged and I thought I had planted State Fairs.  They are in the tall family.  The more I looked at them growing told me that they were not what I thought they were.  The leaf shape mimicked the tiny little path lined zinnia.  From tall to small so today was the day to make a couple of trades in planting spots.  The zinnia had no trouble with the move.  Tought little plant again showing it's stuff.  The Calendula or sometimes called Pot Marigold plant had a lot of trouble with the move but with another drink tonight and a good sleep, there will be improvement, I am sure.  I think that's the end of any changes in this flower bed.  Now bring on the butterflies.  They are AWOL at this point. The afternoon brought another change.


 The morning started with breakfast and then Hoke drove me to church for a morning with the crew.  July is here demanding a change in scenery for the sanctuary, narthex and west entrance.  And the five of us got it finished by 11.   We'll let it all be until September when we'll bring out the green season just everywhere.  It's green now but in limited ways.  The crew knew what needed to be changed so they sort of guided themselves.  That's a good thing.  There were ribbons to roll for use next year. Fabric to roll until next year and then new things to hang.                               A Doris Douglas pulpit hanging we don't see often.  We have so many choices.  Heidi and James brought me home with the intent to see the garden with flowers blooming.  We had a great visit. I sent them home with a cucumber, pepper and tomato.  James grew up on a farm and he still enjoys the outdoors.  Both James a doctor and Heidi a physicians assistant took care of me at church wh