The day started with one chipmunk in the trap. While checking out number 1 I caught sight of number 2. So the second have a heart trap came out and less than 10 minutes later number 2 was in jail. Doug made the comment that he has never taken two to the woods on the same trip. Neighbor Judy caught 2 in the same trap one year. We're not quite that good. Two down...? more to go. The morning was slow and easy, and my energy bucket seemed to be holding it's own. I moved the wee little plants to the picnic table where they would get sun all day. They need to toughen up for their move to the garden. These little zinnias need to think about growing the next set of leaves. Then I'll move them to the garden. Blue and white. Such a pretty combination in many shapes and smells. Remember the song...He's the lilly of the valley, the bright and morning star...the fairest of ten thousand to my so