
Showing posts from March, 2025


 I would call this day interesting.  There was stuff to figure out.  Then there was stuff to try for the first time and then there was just stuff.  All the morning stuff was finished early because there was another crazy night with about 2 hours of sleep.  I have no idea why but there it was again, back like a bad penny.  I did get a good start on the morning though.   Around 9:30 I was off to church for a morning of organizing with Heidi for our Thursday workday, trying some new things. There are so many different niches that need filling.  So many decisions to make. And the plans are in the works with some things nearly finished and some needing to get on the way.   We worked for 2 hours and called times up.  We're ready for Thursday.   This is the altar in the chapel dressed with purple and Jute fishing net.  It has a wonderful fishy saltwater smell.  Unknown to us, one of Darren's sermons during Lent in ...


 Today I'm feeling great again.  Thank be to God for feeling like a person.   So, it was to church with arm loads of stuff.  Sometimes that happens and sometimes I walk in with just myself.  Mr. Wesley made it back to church.  A couple of scarves went to friend Amy and an arm load of pussy willows were put in the sacristy for our tomorrow workday.  And then I found my pew seat.   We welcomed a new to us associate minister, Jill Moffett.  She has been a church lady for about 15 years and more recently worked in Indianapolis hospitals.  Her sermon focused on stepping out into the unknown with God and receiving surprise blessings.  It was a good service with great music, communion and hearing the word.                                                        ...


 Today, I'll admit that it was a lost day if one is keeping track of doing things.  What caused that.  I could give you all the maybe's that I can think of but who really knows.  Our bodies are strange little things we live in.                                                I am so ready for warmer weather and flowers.   The night had it's sneezing times, more awake times for the second night which just made the day a little different.   It was the first day back on Kisqali which is my powerful cancer medicine.  There was the prescribed week off  of dosing reminding me of chemo treatment!  I never know how I'll feel with Kisqali.  There are a couple of pages of side effects.  Most of the time I never can identify with any of them.  So, is today's feeling part of Kisqali?...