
Showing posts from August, 2024


  So pretty. This one is from Daliah Hill in Midland.  I hope to see that spot again.  The end of the week when I learned a lot of heavy stuff.  Some weeks are like that.  This one was a duzzzzzy with information.  We'll see what the treatment starting Wed. brings.  I hope we'll know in a month or so where we are with this crazy disease.  Meanwhile...I'll keep sewing. Today was busy and not so busy.  But I would say a very good day.  Wasn't that Franks song?  It was a quiet sort of rainy morning.  It looked like there was a party on the patio during the night so that got a little fixin' touches.  We've had two Have a Heart traps set and this morning both were full.  Some other stuff was knocked over so I would think maybe a raccoon or opossum or something like that happened by.                                                                         Another Daliah Hill knock out. Doug ate breakfast and then we were off to the woods to dump the chipmunks.  And sad


 A GREAT snooze last night.  It can happen.  I just haven't a clue when.  It was an oatmeal morning.  A little morning news and then I grabbed the clippers and went to town on the yellow.  My choice.  One would think I'd wait for Eric tomorrow but as long as I have energy it's difficult or perhaps impossible to control it.  A whole lot of yellow is gone.                                                                                   Gone but not forgotten.   That sort of makes me sad but a teacher always wants to be prepared for what might or might not come.  Once a teacher, some things never CHANGE.      And they did shrink by the end of the day.   I'm all over this hot weather.  Tomorrow will be cooler.  It promises to be another hot day so I'm expecting the piles of yellow should be smaller by the end of the day.  Tomorrow Eric can pack it away in the big blues.  There is plenty left to clip.                                                                      


 It's very old pictures tonight.  The ever-ready energy bunny disappeared a couple of hours ago.            This is so cute.  I imagine the boys will be a bit embarrassed.  That's a grandma's job tonight.        They are all taller than their grandma.  I lost another inch somewhere. Its 4ft 10inches now. Maybe they nabbed it. Yes, it's Thursday.  My mind just thinks it's Friday.  I'm not sure why Friday is better than Thursday.  The day started early.  Way to early but I have little control over that.  I'll blame the early birds that have been with me since birth.  I walked the garden with the clippers finding a little to clip.  Well, that wasn't because there was nothing to clip.  I just didn't give in to a lot of it.  The dill is gone with the hope that I'll get some seeds sent to Amy in Montana.  She's as dill crazy as I am.  The chipmunk found the dill on the umbrella table.  Bad monk!  Jared and Kimmy in their pottery making aprons.  The


 Yes,,,the middle of the week again.  It seems to come around every 7 days or so.  And once again it was an up and at it morning.  I realized that the two blues at the street were full but the third one was not.  So once again it was time to fill the third one which I did.  I've got to keep at it.  After that I quit. My hip was telling me in no uncertain terms, you are done girl.  And I listened.  It's feeling good to begin the clean up job even though it is one that seems to go on forever.  My instructions from the doctor tell me to keep moving. To extremes is not to happen.  Tomorrow I think the temp will allow me to walk around the block with Stella again.                                                                              All the yellow is gone.  There was a morning nap that told me to take it easy.  I did another 10 burps and called that done for a while as well.   I received a welcomed call from Dr. Schneider's nurse Julie telling me the medicine had been app


 Well, surprise, surprise.  Today was a day of energy.  I was up by 6 figuring out the day. And it started at the sewing machine.  There was a little work to do to finish up a group of 10 burps so I got that accomplished.                                                                    Susan's are gone but there is more to go.   Eventually I had breakfast and a walk through the garden.  I did some serious thinking about the days ahead thinking about medicine and what could be some possibilities of outcomes.  So it wasn't hard to say that today was the start of filling the big blues.  I felt like working. Piles to go before I sleep.  It's a start. And knowing that the temperatures would be extreme later in the day, I was sure the piles would end up smaller with moisture sucked out allowing them a better fit in the big blues.                                                                                                 More to clip another day.  And that did happen.  Just


                                                    Mama eating acorns in the front yard.  Yum, yum.                                                        Twin babies this evening taking it easy while Mama snacks.  A great last night of sleeping even though the temp was a bit warm.  It was oatmeal that got the day started.  I spent some time at the sewing machine with the first set of 10 burps completed working toward another 100.   This morning while waiting for driver Doug to appear to move us on our way to S C Center I spotted a MONARCH.  Woo...I took it as a sign that today would be good.  And it was.   Then it was time to move on to the Simon Center with a Dr. Schnider visit.  He started the conversation with "we have a lot to talk about".  And talk we did with the first sentence about the unusualness of this kind of cancer.  Dah.  I've heard that before and he once again confirmed it.  Simply said it is sort of a hybrid looking like two different cancers smushed to


 If I think of all the things that happened today, this should be a short entry.  It's a church day and it was an easy early morning here with the paper and that was about it.  Ten o'clock came and we were off to church.  Another morning to visit with friends before the service adding that to one of my favorite things to do.  The altar flowers were beautiful with red the predominate color, a favorite of Mr. Don's selection honoring his life and the contribution he made as a preschool teacher to many of our church family's children.  I miss him. This Sunday along with being red, Mr. Don's favorite the flowers included carnations, celosias and real live red berries of some kind.  A beautiful arrangement. The morning sermon centered on prayer.  Something good to hear and think about. And the choir sang another favorite that I sang right along with when they rehearsed it before the service.   Once again my little buddy Logan was in attendance.  He comes from a singing f


 It's been a good day.  The night was a little crazy but not to unusual with a hole in the middle from 1 to 3.  Then it was back to sleep for a while.  This morning was another soup kitchen Saturday even though we don't serve soup.                                Sarah Ellen Mamlin and I serving the folks as they come through the line.  Second Helpings brings our food and there was plenty for all.  There was a donation of lettuce and salad fixings so that was an added bonus.  And all the containers filled with salad disappeared. All six pans holding a lot of beef with a little macaroni were empty by 12 PM.                 Heidi Horton taking her turn at the sink with washing up what needed to be washed up. I was bushed so I left soon after 12.  The rest of the workers did the final clean up.   I did a lot of sitting in the afternoon.  Football kept me entertained when I wasn't sleeping.  I got a super amount of rest which I ordered. I did contribute to the bird population b


 Sleepy start to the day but I managed to get it started at a decent time. TV this morning was a recap of last night.  Nothing new that I didn't know since I watched last night.  So, I moved on.  I decided that I would try another trip around the block.  It was a crisp morning and the walk went well. I was happy to get back home taking the shorter route.  Maybe Sunday will be longer.  I'm giving it an every other day try.                                   I've ad d my hand to the show how big these zinnias heads have grown.   They are Benary Zinnias.  I found the seeds at the garden shop but also have purchased some on line.                     I spent a little time in the garden taking a few pictures but not much more than that.  Doug had the paper to read and then we were off to Aldi's.  He needed his pop tarts; lunch stuff and I needed my cottage cheese and eggs.  Necessities of the day plus a few other things.  We're getting pretty good at packing quickly at the


 I would call this a low-key day although a few things did happen. I slept till 8:20 today.  Woo. That's a new one and I'll take it. Guess I was tired last night.  Good grief, the morning was almost but not quite half over.  So it was breakfast and a little TV.  And then a walk outside with the clippers.  I found a few things to clip.  I'm always trying to promote more flowers, so the spent ones need to be clipped.  I watered almost all of the Daliah.  They need water to make flowers. There are buds and moving that process along needs water added.   We've had conversations about not seeing the piliated woodpeckers for quite a while but there was mom on the feeder this morning with junior up in the tree waiting for her to feed him.  It such a strange thing to watch because they are both the same size.   Before I realized, it was 10:45 and Carol pulled in the driveway.  It's the day for the Muldoon's eating group meeting.  And we were off to Goodness Gracious.  Th


                                                       It's a white theme tonight with a little red added. It's the middle of the week.  Halfway done.  Halfway to go.  Did a little of this and that today.  You know it's garbage day and I was thinking big blues.  So there was some major clipping started but it will be a long time before it's finished.  All three huge clumps of false indigo are in the can.  My, they can get big.  There was a lot of snipping going on but it all stopped when I got a little over heated with a little dizzy that told me I needed to quit.  I was ready.  But the drill has started with a break until the Susans tell me they are finished.                                 A round little short stemmed zinnia that line the path.  I'm happy for that one. I decided soon after breakfast that this is the morning to start walking around the block.  So, Stella and I made the trip.  It was slow and steady and I'm sure Doug could have done two laps to


 First...Pickle Pillows.  I have no idea what caused pickle pillows to be on their wish list.  Go figure and tell me if you know.  Some things are a waste of time for me to figure out. I just do instead of think.  Easier that way.                       So many different colors from the same plant.  Sometimes it just blows my mind.  This morning was filled with do.  This afternoon a nap in the chair. It's all about contrast these days.  An early morning eye candy.  I just can't seem to stop taking pictures of this beautiful flower.  So I keep on.   Once again, I am blessed when walking through the garden in the stillness of the morning.  The flowers seem to be ready to hear everything I have to tell them.  And there is a lot to say.  It's a good thing I'm an early bird and there by myself.   Now isn't this the perfect place to wake for the warm sun to chase away the sleepy night.  My imaginations say perfect but not being a bumblebee might make a difference.  You thi