
Showing posts from September, 2024


 Friday comes after Thursday every week.  That's just the way it is.  So today was Friday because yesterday was Thursday.  Today was the day for cutting the good zinnias for the altar arrangements at church.  They were looking stressed since we have had little rain this month and being watered in the bucket after cutting, I was giving them a second chance at looking perky.  So about 15 ended bucket worthy.  And then I cut two stacks of left over stuff to added to the big blues.  I think they have reached their limit.  I know I reached my limit.  I must get Eric in the garden one of these days.  There is still a long time till frost but it's a relief to know the cleanup job has been completed.  I put some bags in the car for a Goodwill stop.  And then we were on our way to the Simon Cancer Center to deliver the missing papers needed for financial aid for the medication I'm taking.  I tried every way I could think of and Kat did the same to get that paper e-mailed.  So, I cou


 There was a hole in the night, but the second sleep lasted till after 7 so there is celebration.  I ate breakfast and headed out to the garden to deadhead the Mexican Sunflowers.  They will bloom until frost showing off their bright orange color.  That's the best garden color so I keep it going. I decided to keep on with clipping and snipping and cleared about half of the garden.  Enough for not quite one big blue.  And being so much like my mother, I should have stopped long before I did, but the job wasn't finished.  Dah!  Don't be like your mother!   So I was dragging for the rest of the day. Some time ago I was told to get a blood pressure cuff.  It may give a bit of a different reading then the dr. office kind but the reading I got was really low.  Maybe the drag came from low BP.  What do I know.  I'm not a doctor but I can teach little children!   Denise S called and wanted to know if it was a visiting day, and I said yes although I wondered why I said that.  I


 Living has been a bit rough since last evening.  The dreaded side effects have arrived.  I'm not surprised with the results.  I was warned.  Bedtime started at 3 this morning and ended at 7.  I'm whipped.  So, today will be slow because that's all I have. What didn't help was the fact that it was the day for shots, and I thought the time for that was 1:30 this afternoon.  When checking I discovered that it was 9:30 and the clock told me that it was already 9:20. I was ready, but Doug wasn't.  It's a 15-minute drive to the hospital. We arrived at 9:40 and discovered that there was a 30-minute window provided for patient's arrival time.  Thank you, Jesus.  Yikes.   And things in the shot department were not going as planned.  Yes...a rough morning.  The medicine is cold and it's thick so it needs to be warmed taking more time.  Then someone else needed attention first.  So did I say the morning was a bit rough for more than just me.  You got that right.  


 Super night of sleep.  Loved every minute.  Well, when I woke up during the night I was right back to sleep so during the short breaks I loved what was happening.  The morning was a little shorter because I slept through some of it.  Woo. I put together some burps and did some extra decorating on some of the burps because the fabric was a bit boring.  It's a great way to use some bits of thread.  That kept be busy until noon.   Early afternoon I got busy going through some of the containers of fabric in the sewing room.  I've had so many pieced given to me that I know I'll never use them.  I bagged that all up and it's going somewhere.  I'm not sure yet.  I'll need to make some phone calls.  Opening boxes was a good way to find out what I forgot about.  There is more that could go to the quilters group at church but I'm not ready to do that.  I love children's fabric and I found some flannel! Then it was late afternoon and the bottom of the bucket of en


 Another day of stuff that kept me busy.  It was a good day.  I started the day with all the good stuff like sleeping till almost six.  That's very good.  Then there was breakfast and I had an egg (protein) which I got down. It certainly is not my favorite breakfast.  Pills came next and  I was ready for whatever!   I did a big bunch of sewing and cutting fabric which kept me busy till lunch.  There is something about the little engine that could (sewing machine) that keeps me going.  It's that Chattanooga Choo Choo thing that we pass on our way to Georgia. I decided to do some AOL things that needed doing.  One was getting a new password.  So, I did that which is about the extent of my computer talent.  I called my I U Rosie person to see if they had received everything, I had sent concerning financial aid for Kisqali via iPhone and they needed something resent.  I took a picture and did that.  Woo...two Tekkie things.  I checked about Mounjaro stuff.  No financial aid on that


 The night wasn't nice to me, but I'll take what I can get.  I was ready to take a nap on the way to church, but I didn't.  I usually hang around in the west lobby talking to folks but this morning I found my pew ready to hear the choir rehearse.  They are so good with excellent leadership.   We missed our seat buddies.  The folks to the front were gone.  The folks to the back were late for church and sat somewhere else.  I spoke with a family visiting from Avon, a town on the west side of Indy.  Their son is beginning his college life at Butler U. so they were visiting with him and came on over for the church hour. There are little communities everywhere in that church keeping track of their pew buddies as well as visitors.  There will be questions to ask our community next Sunday.  Darren preached an excellent sermon.  He is so meticulous in his thinking, working on every detail of a Sunday service.  Today it was really evident. His prayer for the world included so many i


 So what happened today.   Here goes!  The night wasn't to bad.  I did a lot of waking up but then I did a lot of going back to sleep.  I'll take it.  And once again the morning came around 5:30.  I did a slow wake up with the TV, breakfast and more T was nursing a sore hip so I just took it easy.  That happens more than not so I wasn't surprised.  I expected it to go away and it did.. Ms. Daisy needed to wake up the driver to get her on the way to church and soup kitchen.  We were a wee bit later than usual but still in great shape.  So I did all the early stuff that I usually do getting a whole lot of things started but there was plenty that needed starting as well when the whole crew arrived.  Sarah Ellen and I fill the "clam" with the hot meal and I like to that that ready for her arrival so we can power into the job asap.   There were 8 of us and we finished all the preparation around 10:40. The doors open at 11:00.  And we had a lot of guests. The line was l


 One of the little picture boxes is still missing.  I need Jared!  And I don't have him.  So, it is what it is. Today started out pretty good.  I spent some time in the garden snipping away and filling the cart full of throw away stuff.  There is more and the plan to do more tonight sort of fizzled.  But I was on it this morning until my hip told me enough around 10:40.   Neighbor Barb B stopped by with her dog.  She loves to walk the garden, but it usually is after dark.  What does she see?  Well, wild animals we don't see in the daytime.  It was great talking with her.  I decided it was soup day and remembered that I decided it was soup day.  There was a whole lot of chopping' and I started it all in the soup pot and then transferred it to the crockpot.  It was FULL to the top.  After the prayer before the supper meal I announced all the veggies we were to be thankful for. That sort of took care of the morning and part of the afternoon.  I had medicine to retrieve from Wa


 There's trouble in River City again with pictures.   Today was a great day.  What makes a great day?  Energy.  Maybe I should expand the answer, I'll give it some thought.  But not running out of energy is a great way to spend the day.  Thanks be go I spent some time packing up burps with another 100 soon to be on their way waiting in the car.  There are more burps completed in the fabric line.  I first typed pipeline but it's fabric and not pipe!   I moved outside and took down two huge clumps of Becky Daisys.  There is one more clump but that can wait another day.  It was hot in the sun.   The watermelon juice disappeared over night and the birds got fed again.  I saw three bluebirds at once in the afternoon, so I know for sure there were three males.  I hope they stay for winter.  The hummingbirds are still around, and their feeder got some fresh juice.   I made another phone call to the cancer nurse about the financial papers I should have gotten a few days ago.  And t


 This entry won't be very long because not much happened.  We survived last night's debate with today hearing about it all over again.   ``````````````           This one became bird food. They like zinnia seeds even more than I do.  I took ALL my pills this morning including the one for allergies.  I slept a lot today.  Tomorrow I'll either skip the allergy one or perhaps take a half pill.  I'll figure it out in the morning.  My head was much better today.  After thinking a bit about this I usually have something ugly in the spring and usually it works itself out pretty quickly.  Let's hope that happens sooner than later.             Mr., Blue Bird is back after a long AWOL.  This is a blurry picture.  I don't think he's a seed eater. Yes.  I slept a lot this morning and afternoon, but I did do some watering and then pulling the hose back out of the way of the mowers.  Woo...wore me out.  And before all that Stella and I walked the block again.  This aftern

Slow Tuesday

 Tuesday started after a 10hr. no wake-up night of sleep.  What a gift.  There was one problem.  When waking up in the middle of the night, that's when I take a thyroid pill.  That time was suggested by the doctor.  It's something about the pill not being around a stomach holding food. . Last night the pill didn't happen.  Gosh, I would hate to see the need to set the alarm!  But a night without a break.  Woo. I needed that. I didn't make it long after 9:30 PM,                     A whole lot of little zinnias that the birds love taking apart to discover and eat the seeds.   The sneezing continues in the best of style.  What in the world am I allergic to.  We made a trip to renew the supply of allergy pills and pack in a supply of tissues.  I hope this is over sooner than later.  Doug thinks I'm allergic to fabric.  That's a big hope for him.   I say something outside.                                                                              I've got my n


Smozie Monday Yeah...I just smozied around today.  It was a little of this and a little of that.  The night was a little longer with the hope that tonight will even be a little longer.  We'll soon see.  Maybe I should have called this a little of this and that.                           My one and only Sunflower.  I'm happy to have one.  The deer haven't found it.   Today I worked on Umoja mushrooms, My assessment wasn't a little work but a whole lot of work.  All six tops are finished which took all day.  I would say there is at least two more hours of work and then I can call them finished.  The deadline is soon, and pictures need to be taken to help with the advertising items for the silent auction.                                                                                                 Partly finished. Burp report.  Now that was just a little work.  Five more are finished and that's enough for the day.   I spent about 20 minutes with the clippers in the f


 I call this a rather odd Sunday. It started at 1:30 am with a wake up so it's been a rather long day, I would say.  The things I have read about are coming true and that means we're going in the right direction. Blame it on the medicine!  Sleeplessness is one of them. Hot flashes...yup they are here,  Head aches...count them in. I'm sure there will be more.  I hear everything gets better after a while.   I gave Doug the papers about side effects knowing that he had to know what may or may not be part of our lives at this point. I would say things are happening as expected.  So don't worry nor fret little boy little girl, or the world will lose some of its joy.  I heard that saying often from my neighbor Joe Kauffman when I was a little girl.  I still hear it in my head. So, to go along with the 1:30 A M hour I decided that today should be easy.  Church was going to happen in a tent this morning and it was really cold out so time to duck and cover and stay home.  Some c


 Today has been a bit different and a bit like other days.  So, I guess that's OK. I would say a little slower than some other days.  Not as fast as some.  So, I guess that's OK.    About this time of year there always seems to be a volunteer grape tomato appearing beside the patio. This year it's climbing through the chair for support.  We have plenty of chairs so I am happy to share with Ms. G tomato. I spotted some turning pink this morning. Now back to that slower thing...I'm going to say that all of the foreign stuff that has been shot into my body this past week might be a factor.  Can I prove it?  No but I'm thinking.  And to tell the truth having no sure answer is fine with me.  I'm a little ache, sleepy, sneezier, and tired.  I've read all about this coming my way so it could be arriving.  So the plan for the day was to have no plan.   I spent a little time sewing.  Ten more burps are on the table in some state of completion.  Something different. 


Pictures...not much new on the horizon so I'll go digging in the past again.   e  old church arrangement.  I checked the Hosta today.  The deer have gotten them.                                                                             Everything came from the garden.   Woo. Today it seems that the week was about three days long.  There was lots to do and we're still working on some of that do.  The night gave us some rain.  Woo...what a change but I pulled the hose out and still did some watering this morning.  The zinnias certainly have added a smile to their faces.  The little Noah Pond got a fill.  And the trimmers came out doing some snipping at the Mexican Sunflower site.  I looked at the mound of chocolate mint that I love to add to coffee.  It was a mess.  So it was pull and tug and then do it all over again until I got all that needed to be added to the big blue added! This is not so good but is the radiation treatments that went after cancer surger


 The big news today...It's football night in America!  The TV is programed, and I might need some popcorn.  And then maybe not.  I ate a bigger supper.  I would say more than usual.  The Rita soup is SO delicious and the Patty pumpkin bread is something not to forget.                                                                              Not many of these left. And it was a cereal breakfast.  Eggs are so boring.  Cereal isn't much better but it's different.  Then I decided it was time to take Stella Rollator on a walk around the block. And we met up with another Stella.  The neighbor's dog has that same name although I named my Stella first before the other Stella joined her family.  There certainly was a buzz going on in a lot of places in Holiday Hills.  The tree service was up and busy with their big tools.  I did a lot of garbage truck dodging, and I would say the trucks at the house remodeling site were bringing lots of workers to continue that job. The walk


 It feels like...This is a day of new beginnings, time to remember and move on.  Some of the words to another favorite hymn in our Methodist Hymnal.  The morning started after a good night of sleep.  I've been doing that a bit more.  Breakfast of an egg with parsley and a little cottage cheese.  Then I made it to the sewing room for a morning of diversion.  And I started with getting fabric ready for 20 burps.  It's been a day of 20's this week.  Lots of diversion I would say.                                                                                                      Waiting.  And that kept me busy until we left for I U North Cancer Center.  My brain was in the gutter thinking I've done this before.  Why can't I get it right.  And of course, my ladies who work at the cancer center I had met during my radiation days were as pleasant as ever which made me even feel worse.  Dah!  Why didn't I have a likewise pleasant feeling?  This time my destination was


 It would appear that this was Day 2 in some respects.                                                                         My version of Daliah Hill.   I hit the ground running with the sewing machine and 20 more burps.  Well, 20 more than I had yesterday.  They all are from that pretty fabric I posted yesterday.  So pretty.  That was the motivation.  Pretty.  Should I call it work?                                    It's not June but Mexican Sunflowers that are busting out all over.                                                                                          The yellow flowers are native cup flowers At the self-imposed sewing break there was the real LABOR sort of work with stuffing the three big blues for the garbage on Thursday and clearing the lawn space for the lawn guys tomorrow.  I think they will be here.  I really needed to stuff with a shovel those b blues leaving room for the usual bag of garbage from the house waste baskets.  I added a clump of Becky Dai