Letting go.
I need to get better at letting go. It's God's time...not mine. It is becoming clearer to me that the absence of sleep is directly related to the fact that I cannot use my c pap machine for another month. Nights will be difficult until April. So I need to make some plans. What filled some awake time last night was hearing the first Sunday of Lent message from Sec. Presbyterian Church. What a blessing. The music, preaching and prayer time carried me along. I spent that hour on the green recliner in the living room, a place of healing for many surgeries. I love my Iphone friend who opens the window to new thinking during the dark of night. Since the surgery was long and breathing with support during those 10 hrs, the body continues to find it's way to healing. I'm working with my before surgery and after surgery breathing machine. Letting the body call most of the shots which it does if I let go, can be a prayer focus. Yes...I continue to walk expelling a