That's all that's left of another Thanksgiving trip to Georgia. Memories and there are plenty of them...all good. So there will be some pictures on this post. Once again the monastery visit was a good one. The only thing that would make that better is if more of the family could have been with us. But we'll take what we can and it's good. Saturday was our last day together. Rick left in the morning to visit with his son and family who live in Nashville Tenn. Jared and family left EARLY Sunday morning on their race to Michigan. That's a very, very long trip to make in a day. We left Conyers around 9 and Worshiped at Rossville UMC. A church that took North UMC confirmation youth and adults in at least 30 years ago with leadership given by Nancy Baxter for a week of work and fun in the Atlanta area. Sunday's visit brought back many good memories. The church seats over 2000 people. Covid impacted the number a whole lot but the choir loft had about 60