It was full of stuff and loved just being out and about...BUT. I burned my bridges having fun. So much to do and such interesting stuff to do. So today I'm home and I think the rain and cold should keep me out of the flowerbeds and in the house. At least that's my hope. No bridges left to burn. Yesterday started with getting ready for Easter at church with garden shop visits. First, back to Marvin's on the way to Dayton for the Easter surprise added to the Visual Arts supplies.. Flower shop and big box visits mean visiting flower places to see what is there to buy for the altar knowing that it's a bit early in the week and I'll visit again when it's ready to buy time. Goodwill got a donation. The oriole feeder got loaded with grape jelly meaning a stop to buy jelly at Kroger's. Fresh oranges on the wires for the orioles The blue bird house got a keep out squirrel chicken wire protector...I hope. My neighbor climbed the ladder. Made another pro